 | Hankasalmi Church Document This is the document we received from the Hankasalmi Church in May, 2014. It is in Finnish, and lists the birth and death of Josef Valkonen (my Great Grandfather). It also says that his son Viljam left for Valkeala in 1900, and his daughter Amanda (my Grandmother) left for Helsinki in 1907. |
 | Einar Holmberg arrives in U.S. 1913 - Left side of page. This is the manifest of the S.S. Campania which arrived in New York after sailing from Liverpool on June 28, 1913. he lists his last permanent residence as Waikeala, and his nearest relative as "Wife Mandi Holmberg" in Kymintehdas. |
 | Amanda Holmberg and Pekka Holmberg arrive in U.S. on S.S. Arabic, sailing from Liverpool November 2, 1913. On this passenger list is Amanda Holmberg - my grandmother, Pekka Holmberg my father, and Anna Holmberg my aunt. |
 | Einar arrives in U.S. Right side of Page. He arrived with 3 friends. All going to 3056 Mabel Ave. Cleveland.
Notice "H. Holmberg" as friend - Einar's sister Hulda. |
 | Amanda Valkonen/Einar Holmberg Divorce papers Grandma's official divorce from Einar. He was already dead for 10 years when this happened. |
 | 1920 Federal Census for Holmberg Family in Cleveland. Census Record from 1920. Einar's name is spelled "Anor". Living at 1540 West 27th Place, Cleveland Ohio. |
 | 1930 Federal Census for Holmberg Family in Cleveland. Living at 2532 Detroit Ave. |
 | Finnish Church Record - Marriage of Amanda Valkonen and Einar Holmberg. The marriage record is located at the bottom left of this page. Marriage occured on December 7, 1912. |
 | Amanda Walkonen Census form from the 1908 Helsinki population registry, She is working as a maid in the home of August Benjamin Heickel. The address is
Boulevardsgatan 26 (Bulevardi 26) in Google Maps today. Many thanks to Paivi Mecklin who found this information in the Helsinki Registry.
Mr. Heickel was an engineer. |
 | Location of Amanda Valkonen in Helsinki, 1908. The current address is 26 Bulevardi. |
 | Holmbergs in Cleveland City Directory 1934. Living at 2520 Detroit Ave., Apt 23. Amanda is listed as the widow of Einar, who had left for Russia the previous year. Aunt Betty is 'Ells' and a stenographer. Leo Pekka is listed as 'radio repr'. |
 | Amanda Holmberg 1950 Census. Grandma Holmberg is still living at 2520 Detroit, Apartment #8. It looks like her future
husband Thomas Makela (Magena?) was living with her as a lodger. |