Henry Simila

Henry Simila

Male 1877 - 1933  (56 years)

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   Date  Event(s)
  • 1899—1899: Esther Kero arrives in U.S.
    Our maternal grandmother Esther Kero arrives in the U.S. in 1899. She was an 11 year old child who made the trip from Finland by herself.
  • 2 Jun 1899—4 Jul 1902: Philippine-American War
    Philippine-American War Philippine-American War
  • 2 Nov 1899—7 Sep 1901: Boxer Rebellion
    Boxer Rebellion Boxer Rebellion
10 1901 
11 1904 
  • 22 May 1904: Einar Holmberg First Communion
    Einar's first communion, living in Valkeala Parrish.
12 1905 
  • Mar 1905: Kustii Simila arrives in North America
    Our maternal grandfather, Kusti Simila arrives in Halifax Nova Scotia. in March 1905.
13 1906 
  • Nov 1906: Kustti Simila & Esther Kero married
    Kustti and Esther were married on November 3, 1906 in Hancock Michigan.
14 1909 
15 1913 
  • 4 Mar 1913—4 Mar 1921: Woodrow Wilson
    Woodrow Wilson U.S. Presidency Woodrow Wilson U.S. Presidency
  • Jul 1913—Jul 1913: Einar Holmberg arrives in U.S.
    Our paternal grandfather, Einar Holmberg arrives in the U.S in July 1913.
  • Nov 1913—Nov 1913: Amanda Holmberg arrives in United States
    Our paternal grandmother, Amanda Holmberg arrives in New York in December 1913 with her infant son Pekka (Leo) and her three year old daughter Elizabeth.
  • 24 Dec 1913—24 Dec 1913: Italian Hall Disaster
    On Christmas Eve 1913, families of striking copper miners gathered at the Italian Hall in Calumet Michigan to celebrate Christmas. The Italian Hall ballroom was at the top of a steep stairway. Sometime during the celebration a person or persons unknown yelled "FIRE" and also locked the door at the bottom of the stairs. In the ensuing panic a crash of people (mostly children) were trapped at the bottom of the stairs. Seventy three people died.
16 1914 
  • 1914: Simila family moves to Makinen Minnesota
    After the strike of 1913, the family left Calumet Michigan to move to a farm in Makinen Minnesota. One of their neighbors was Anders Kero, the Uncle of Esther Kero Simila.
17 1917 
18 1921 
19 1923 
20 1929 
21 1931 
  • May 1931—May 1931: Einar Holmberg leaves the U.S.
    In May 1931, Einar Holmberg leaves his family to live in the Soviet Union. In the U.S. he was a member of the Socialist Worker's Party.
22 1933