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1856 Map of Kokkola/Lohtaja Area.
1856 Map of Kokkola/Lohtaja Area.
Updated map received from my 3rd cousin Mika Kero. Blue is the city of Kokkola, Yellow is Lohtaja, and Green is the Kero Farm.

The colors are active links that will bring up a current google map of the area.
Kiitos Mika!
1910 Federal Census for Gust Simila and Family - Page 1.
1910 Federal Census for Gust Simila and Family - Page 1.
Listed on Page1 of this document are Gust and Esther Simila. Living in Calumet Michigan, occupation Copper Miner.
1910 Federal Census for Gust Simila and Family - Page 2.
1910 Federal Census for Gust Simila and Family - Page 2.
Listed on the next page are Gust and Esther's first 2 sons - Toivo and Edwin.
1920 Federal Census for Holmberg Family in Cleveland.
1920 Federal Census for Holmberg Family in Cleveland.
Census Record from 1920. Einar's name is spelled "Anor". Living at 1540 West 27th Place, Cleveland Ohio.
1920 Federal Census for Matti Kero.
1920 Federal Census for Matti Kero.
In 1920 he is living with new wife Kattie, lines 39-40. In Allouez Township, Michigan.
1920 Federal Census for Simila Family in Minnesota.
1920 Federal Census for Simila Family in Minnesota.
Listed on lines 81-89. Living in Township 56 Range 16. On line 89 is listed 2 month old "Elvira" - our mother.
1930 Federal Census for Holmberg Family in Cleveland.
1930 Federal Census for Holmberg Family in Cleveland.
Living at 2532 Detroit Ave.
1930 Federal Census for Simila Family.
1930 Federal Census for Simila Family.
Now living in Mohawk. Esther Simila Holmberg is listed on line 19.
1940 Census for Simila Family.
1940 Census for Simila Family.
They are listed on lines 3-13. Still living at 361 Center Street, Mohawk(Fulton) Michigan.
1940 Census Leo Pekka Holmberg
1940 Census Leo Pekka Holmberg
Living in a Rooming House on North LaSalle Street, Chicago. (Line 70)
1950 U.S. Census for Simila family in Mohawk Michigan.
1950 U.S. Census for Simila family in Mohawk Michigan.
This census form shows Gust and Esther along with son Edwin (age 41) still living at home, daughter Mayme age 19, and granddaughter Rita age 11.
75th Jubilee, Makinen Minnesota.
75th Jubilee, Makinen Minnesota.
This document, the 75th Jubilee of Makinen/Corbin Minnesota was published in 1975. It contains photographs of Andrew Kero, and his daughters Hilma and Mary.
It was sent to me by Bonnie Mills, the granddaughter of one of the original families Antti and Hilma Maki./
Aapo Simila Birth Record
Aapo Simila Birth Record
Great Grandfather Aapo (Abraham) Simila birth record from Hiski.
Amanda Holmberg 1950 Census.
Amanda Holmberg 1950 Census.
Grandma Holmberg is still living at 2520 Detroit, Apartment #8. It looks like her future
husband Thomas Makela (Magena?) was living with her as a lodger.
Amanda Holmberg and Pekka Holmberg arrive in U.S. on  S.S. Arabic, sailing from Liverpool November 2, 1913.
Amanda Holmberg and Pekka Holmberg arrive in U.S. on S.S. Arabic, sailing from Liverpool November 2, 1913.
On this passenger list is Amanda Holmberg - my grandmother, Pekka Holmberg my father, and Anna Holmberg my aunt.
Amanda Valkonen/Einar Holmberg Divorce papers
Amanda Valkonen/Einar Holmberg Divorce papers
Grandma's official divorce from Einar. He was already dead for 10 years when this happened.
Amanda Walkonen Census form from the 1908 Helsinki population registry,
Amanda Walkonen Census form from the 1908 Helsinki population registry,
She is working as a maid in the home of August Benjamin Heickel. The address is
Boulevardsgatan 26 (Bulevardi 26) in Google Maps today. Many thanks to Paivi Mecklin who found this information in the Helsinki Registry.

Mr. Heickel was an engineer.
Anna Kaikkonen/Johan Suomela marriage record from Hiski.
Anna Kaikkonen/Johan Suomela marriage record from Hiski.
Record of the marriage of Anna Kaikkonen and Johan Suomela. Married on March 11, 1827 in Haukipudas Finland.
Anna Maria Birth Record.
Anna Maria Birth Record.
The original birth record of Anna Maria Holmberg. Born on January 27, 1823, and christened on January 29, 1823.
Anna Maria Holmberg info received in email from Ritva Heinonen in Finland
Anna Maria Holmberg info received in email from Ritva Heinonen in Finland
This is a table created by Ritva Heinonen, from the original Finnish records. She said :

"I have made a table of ancestors for both Anna Maria Holmberg and Maria Sofia Ruotsalainen.

Anna Maria has two sets of grandparents - Gustaf Holmbergs parents Gustaf and Lena (Helena), and his wife Maria Lena's parents Mats Qvarnström and Helena Bertilsdotter. It was Mats Qvarnström who worked at Strömfors Iron Works."
Article from the Sullivan County Democrat, August 3, 1950.
Article from the Sullivan County Democrat, August 3, 1950.
This is a story about the 50th wedding anniversary of Andrew Kero and Selma Nixon.
Baptism Record for Maria Sofia Ruotsalinen
Baptism Record for Maria Sofia Ruotsalinen
Copy of Baptism record from Christened Aug. 20, 1848.
Birth Certificate of Esther Elvira Elizabeth Holmberg.
Birth Certificate of Esther Elvira Elizabeth Holmberg.
Certified copy of Esther Simila Birth Certificate, obtained from St.Louis County, Minnesota.
Birth of G3 Grandfather Gustaf Holmberg
Birth of G3 Grandfather Gustaf Holmberg
Born June 7, 1802 in Askola Parish, Stigsbole(Tiilla) Village.
Birth of Gustaf Holmberg and Lena Nordstrom's first child - Lena Lovisa
Birth of Gustaf Holmberg and Lena Nordstrom's first child - Lena Lovisa
Born in Mantsala Parish, August 23, 1800.
Birth record for Anna Kaikkonen.
Birth record for Anna Kaikkonen.
Record from
Birth record from hiski.
Birth record from hiski.
Birth records for children of Matti Similä and Maria Henttunen.
Birth records for children of Matti Similä and Maria Henttunen.
It looks like there were six children born to Matti and Maria. Our Great Grandfather Aapo (Abrahamus) was the youngest. He named his son Gustaf - our Grandfather - after his older brother Gustaf, born a year and a half earlier.
Bureau of Land Management Deed - Anders/Andrew Kero.
Bureau of Land Management Deed - Anders/Andrew Kero.
The original deed from the Bureau of Land Management. Land was located in Township 46, Range 20, Section 20.
Bureau of Land Management Deed - Thomas Flom Kero.
Bureau of Land Management Deed - Thomas Flom Kero.
The dded to Thomas Kero Flom's land - Section 3, Township 56, Range 16W in St. Louis County, Minnesota.
Calumet Michigan City Directory - 1910.
Calumet Michigan City Directory - 1910.
Gust Simila is listed about 1/2 way down on the left. Address is 238 2nd, Cent. Heights. Occupation is miner.
Charles Simila Employment Card.
Charles Simila Employment Card.
This card show that he worked for the Chicago and North Western Railroad. Started July 11, 1945. His address then was 2612 Lincoln Ave., Chicago.
Charles Simila World War II Draft Card.
Charles Simila World War II Draft Card.
At the time the card was filed out - after June 1, 1940, he was still living at home, and working for the Bonifas Gorman Lumber Company in Lake Linden Michigan.
Charles Werkke Lammi Draft Card.
Charles Werkke Lammi Draft Card.
Helen Lammi's brother Charlie. Shows he still lived at 1498 W. 28th. Street, and worked at Republic Steel in the Cleveland Flats.
Chromosome match for an anonymous 3rd cousin.
Chromosome match for an anonymous 3rd cousin.
A map of our our chromosomes match, with a 3rd cousin who prefers to remain anonymous. Our common ancestors are Antti Kero and Elisabet Niemi, my/our Great*2 Grandparents.
Chromosome Match for my 2nd cousin once removed  Tauno Kero.
Chromosome Match for my 2nd cousin once removed Tauno Kero.
Tauno Kero is my closest DNA relative in Finland. Our common ancestors are Antti Kero and Elisabet Niemi, my Great*2 Grandparents, and Tauno's Great Grandparents.
Chromosome Match for my 3rd cousin Ake Bjornfort
Chromosome Match for my 3rd cousin Ake Bjornfort
A map of how our chromosomes match. Our common ancestors are Erkki Valkonen and Kaisa Vironen, my Great*2 Grandparents. Ake is my 3rd cousin.
Chromosome Match for my 3rd cousin Mika Kero
Chromosome Match for my 3rd cousin Mika Kero
A map of how our chromosomes match. Our common ancestors are Antti Kero and Elisabet Niemi, my Great*2 Grandparents. Mika is my 3rd cousin.
Chromosome Match for my 4th cousin Markku Poutiainen
Chromosome Match for my 4th cousin Markku Poutiainen
A map of how our chromosomes match. Our common ancestors are Kaaperi Korhonen Kettunen and Liisa Laukka, my Great*3 grandparents. Our X match comes from Liisa Laukka - she contributed 25% of my X-DNA.
Chromosome Match for my 5th cousin  Hannu Olavi Mertaniemi
Chromosome Match for my 5th cousin Hannu Olavi Mertaniemi
A map of how our chromosomes match. Our common ancestors are Matti Tallman Laukka and Kristina Makela Laukka, my Great*4 Grandparents. He matches with me and Markku Putaininen on Chromosome 14, probably through the Laukka family.
Chromosome Match for my 5th cousin Helmi Silven.
Chromosome Match for my 5th cousin Helmi Silven.
A map of how our chromosomes match. Our most recent common ancestors are Samuel Nousiainen and Anna Kokkonen, my Great*4 Grandparents. She is also my 12th cousin through another set of common ancestors,Lars Sinius and Katarina Sursil, my Great*11 Grandparents!
Chromosome Match for my 5th cousin Liisa Solonen
Chromosome Match for my 5th cousin Liisa Solonen
A map of how our chromosomes match. Our common ancestors are Erik Samuelson Paananen and Eva Henricsdr, my Great*4 Grandparents. Liisa is my 5th cousin.
Church Book Utajarvi 1928-1835
Church Book Utajarvi 1928-1835
Matti Korhonen Kettunen record in Church Book.
Church Record for Karl Eriksson and Loviisa Eriksdr.
Church Record for Karl Eriksson and Loviisa Eriksdr.
Karl Eriksson Paananen and Maja Lisa noted in green.
Common ancestor chart for Leo and Riitta B
Common ancestor chart for Leo and Riitta B
My 6th cousin Riitta B and I have the common ancestors of Tuomas and Kertu Vuolle. Their daughter Eliisa Vuolle is my 6x Great Grandmother.

Their daughter Susanna Vuolle is Riitta B's 6x Great Grandmother.

Info from Riitta B.
Communion Book from Tessio(Tesjoki). showing both G4 and G3.
Communion Book from Tessio(Tesjoki). showing both G4 and G3.
Both G4 Gustaf and wife Helena and G3 Gustaf and wife Maria are here in this page from the Comminion Book in Tesjoki Finland.
Death Certificate for Beatrice Simila
Death Certificate for Beatrice Simila
Beatrice Simila Death Certificate sent to me by Allison Neely of the Michigan Tech archives.
She lived a little more than 4 months before dying of pneumonia. She is buried in the Ahmeek Cemetery.
Death Certificate for Hilma Partanen Simila.
Death Certificate for Hilma Partanen Simila.
She is the wife of Henry Simila, and mother of Wilho Simila.
Death of Anna Maria Holmberg
Death of Anna Maria Holmberg
Original Finnish Church record of Anna Maria's death.
Death of Wilho Simila
Death of Wilho Simila
Army report on the mission where Wilho Simila was killed in action.

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